Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014

Cara Menyelesaikan Survey dengan cepat dan mudah Part II

HALLO Sahabat,Kali ini saya akan membagikan cara menyelesaikan survey.
Khusus (Pokoknya yang berakhiran .org)
Made by : Vicky Achmad M
Lihat video ini yang telah aku buat susah-susah cuman untuk kalian semua..

Selamat Menikmati dan Semoga Sukses..
Saya akan share trik-trik lainnya jika follower twitter saya diatas 300 ! @vicky_alone72
Untuk fileice, filenix, dll lihat tips yang sebelumnya ya.. di:

Sabtu, 07 Juni 2014


Haii sahabat, sudah 1 tahun gak posting nih. Kali ini saya akan memberi tahu materi listening UAS kelas X Bahasa Inggris. Jadi kalian gak usah susah-susah lagi ndengerin. Tinggal baca, beres.. Thank u.. +1 ya??


By: Chris Rose

            My name is Kate Connor. I am a river guide. I live in Colorado. Colorado is a state in America which takes its name from the long, wide, green river that runs through it. I live by the river. My job is to take groups of people along the river. Usually we use small boats or rafts. The people who I guide along the river come from the city. They are usually groups of businessmen who come from New York or Chicago or Los Angeles, places where they work all the time and never see mountains or rivers. 

This year, the river has dried up. There is no water. I look out of my window every day and walk down to the river, or rather, I walk down to where the river used to be. There wasn’t enough rain this spring, and it has been a hot summer. The river is now just one thin, green trickle of water. You couldn’t sail a raft in this. You couldn’t even sail a child’s paper boat down this river. 

The river is never what it seems. The river changes. Every day there is less water. Today I went down to the river and there wasn’t even the thin green trickle. There were just stones and dust at the bottom of where the river used to be. 

I have always wanted to be by rivers. I grew up next to the river, where my father worked. When I was a child and other children wanted to be astronauts or football stars or supermodels, all I wanted to do was work on the river. I wanted to work on a tugboat on the Hudson or the Mersey or the Thames. I wanted to catch fish in the Loire or the Volga or the Rhine. I wanted to swim in the Ganges or the Amazon or the Mississippi. I wanted to take rafts across the wild white waters of the long, strong Colorado river.  
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